Passive income is a crucial element of independent business strategies, with 40% of independents in the United States reporting they’re using passive income streams to account for up to 50% of their yearly income.

And we don’t want you to miss out!

Join HoneyBook alongside business coach, podcast host, and author, Candice Coppola to unpack her top 3 marketing strategies for growing a 6 figure passive income stream.

We’ll cover how to:
- Build templates that sell
- Develop a powerful marketing strategy
- Invest minimal effort to maximize your revenue

Why it matters:
Boost your business income with minimal effort through high-demand digital products and affiliate income.

Sign up now and start your journey to more cha-ching.
Mac Hughes
Product Education
Candice Coppola
Business Coach & HoneyBook Partner
Candice is an author, podcast host, business coach, and HoneyBook educator who believes you shouldn't have to do business alone. She has built a multi-six-figure business, and she loves helping others create the business and life they have always dreamed of.
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