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ICCFA Webinar Series #28: Employer Issues: Overtime and Independent Contractor Changes

About This Webinar

Join us on May 16, 2024, at 2:00 PM EDT for the next ICCFA Webinar, "Employer Issues: Overtime and Independent Contractor Changes", with Michael Pepperman, Chair of Obermayer’s Labor Relations and Employment Law Department, and Ivo Becica, partner in Obermayer’s Labor Relations & Employment Law Department.

Federal and state overtime requirements can be a compliance headache for employers, and the law is about to get more challenging in this area with new regulations from the US Department of Labor coming soon.  Adding to the mix are new regulations regarding which workers are (and aren’t) independent contractors under both federal and state laws.  Is your organization in compliance?  Tune into this webinar to learn about the current state of the law and best practices for avoiding costly claims and audits.

Who can view: Channel admins and those who can manage the webinar
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Chair, Obermayer Labor Relations and Employment Law Department
Michael provides advice and counsel to employers throughout the country in a wide range of businesses including manufacturers and fabricators, hospitality, retail, food services, transportation, health care and facilities management businesses among others as well as government entities and municipalities. He partners with clients to provide direction and step-by-step counsel in an effort to proactively address and manage employment and labor-related problems.
Webinar hosting presenter
Partner, Obermayer Labor Relations & Employment Law Department
Ivo draws on his experience defending employee claims to anticipate potential areas of risk and make sure the client is aware of those risks. He and the client then collaboratively arrive at a solution that minimizes the risk of claims, while taking the needs of the business into account. Ivo’s goal in litigation is always to uncover all of the hidden strengths and weaknesses of both sides of the case as soon as possible, enabling his clients to make informed decisions.
Webinar hosting presenter
Supplier Relations Manager, ICCFA
Hosted By
ICCFA webinar platform hosts ICCFA Webinar Series #28: Employer Issues: Overtime and Independent Contractor Changes
Webinars presented by the ICCFA.