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ICCFA Webinar Series #37: The ROI of Safety and Compliance: How to Lower OSHA Fines and Insurance Premiums

About This Webinar

Mark hears versions of these two questions all the time:  

1) Would I really be on the hook for a six figure OSHA fine? 
2) How does safety tie into my day-to-day operations and insurance costs? 

In this session, CST will explain how investing in your employees can return a more efficient company in full compliance with OSHA. CST will look at the top OSHA fines and distill complex technical regulations into plain English.  

CST will demonstrate how to use technology to increase efficiency and bridge generational gaps–Traditionalist and Baby Boomers all the way to Generation Z. Attendees will come away with:  

1) A clear understanding of what they need to do to be in compliance with OSHA  
2) How to empower their team to make a safer and more productive workplace 
3) How to negotiate lower insurance premiums  

  • Downside risk to workplace violations and how to prevent them.
  • The Top 10 OSHA violations for deathcare.
  • How safety ties into employee retention and insurance premiums.
Who can view: Channel admins and those who can manage the webinar
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
President | Certified Safety Training (CST)
Mark Harrison is the president of Certified Safety Training, the exclusive safety and compliance provider to the ICCFA. Mark has extensive experience in online education and digital training and has launched successful online safety and compliance services in the deathcare, veterinarian, and dental professions.  
Webinar hosting presenter
ICCFA Director of Meetings
Hosted By
ICCFA webinar platform hosts ICCFA Webinar Series #37: The ROI of Safety and Compliance: How to Lower OSHA Fines and Insurance Premiums
Webinars presented by the ICCFA.