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Fashion Brand Management - IED Firenze

About This Webinar

Blend your passion for fashion brands with a deep understanding of marketing processes and levers. Study the impact of visual culture and analyze the intricate relationship between the fashion industry and contemporary art.

Build methodological foundations that will allow you to develop and present effective brand strategies. The Master in Fashion Brand Management combines research and practice to simulate the realities of the fashion industry through a design-oriented approach.

Discover more with the master coordinator Gabriele Moschin and other special guests.

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Webinar hosting presenter
IED Coordinator
Gabriele Moschin is Creative Director of SIGNOR*studio, Founder and Brand Strategist of AnniSec Oy, Business Advisor for Italian Ventures and Professor. Previously, lecturer at many fashion schools. He has worked for Saatchi & Saatchi, M&CSaatchi, SapientNitro, Sudler&Hennessey, ArteficeGroup, Attila&Co. and Sky Italia.
Webinar hosting presenter
After his studies in Marketing and Communication with a focus on Advertising Psychology at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna and Affective Sciences/Behavior Analysis at NYU (New York University), he began his career with BMW AG Munich as a manager of sponsoring and event marketing.
Later, he served as a member of the management board at Die Argonauten, Munich. Grey Direct eMarketing New York employed him as a Management Supervisor from 2001 to 2004. As of 2005, he works full time as a university lecturer, trainer, speaker at AMD, Akademie für Mode und Design Munich, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences and IED Florence, and is also a member of the Fashion Council Germany.
Attended (17)