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Master of Arts (DASL) in Visual Communication - Critical Narratives in Post-Digital Worlds

About This Webinar

The Webinar dedicated to IED's Master of Arts training offer will describe in detail the concept of DesignXCommons and the possible design applications in the various courses available.

What is the IED Master of Arts (Second Level Academic Diplomas) academic offer?

In the cities of Milan, Rome, Turin and Florence, IED offers Master of Arts courses in English or Italian in the fields of Design, Fashion, Communication and Visual Arts:

Textile Design. Eco-Threads: Materials and Circularity
Responsible Fashion Design. Circular Practices for the Fashion Industry
Interactive Environments. Nuove tecnologie per l’arte, la cultura e il territorio
Interaction Design. Crafting tomorrow’s experiences
Design for Public Spaces .Placemaking e rigenerazione urbana
Interior Design. Ecologie dell'abitare contemporaneo
Interior Design. Spatial practices for gathering cultures
Product Design. Techno-Bodies for Equal Futures
Transdisciplinary Design. Mobility
Visual Communication. Critical Narratives in Post-Digital Worlds

What are Master of Arts (Second Level Academic Diplomas) for IED?

The world is increasingly complex, interconnected, limited in resources and thus it became the scene of growing economic and social injustices.
In this scenario, it is essential to imagine design as a transformative platform to start taking care of the world, genuinely, with listening and attention.

The power of imagination allows designers to respond to the changing needs of society and the environment, to adapt to emerging technologies and to formulate new design questions by anticipating future challenges.

Starting from these ideas, we have built the training offer of our Master of Arts (Second Level Academic Diplomas) according to the concept of DesignXCommons, in the sense of design applied to the regeneration, integration and sharing of common goods.

By designing for the common good, students broaden the technical skills acquired in the undergraduate three-year courses, deepen their independent critical thinking with respect to the urgent challenges of the present and develop a methodological approach capable of provoking significant changes, recognizing the interdependence between design decisions and the impact on people, society and the environment.

Who can view:
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Visual Designer
Opened his first studio in 1982 with Mario Piazza and Guglielmo Ghizzardi. With Ghizzardi he founded A+G (1994-2019). He is consultant for publishing, industrial and commercial institutions and companies, and an expert in brand design (with 150 visual identity projects), editorial and exhibition design (over 80 exhibitions in Italy and abroad). He has been teaching and training in Italian and international universities and design schools for more than 30 years, combining his professional and academic activities with essay writing on visual design topics.
Webinar hosting presenter
Head MA programs, IED - Milano
Angela Rui è una curatrice e ricercatrice di design con sede a Milano. Ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Exhibition Design presso il Politecnico di Milano, Facoltà di Architettura. Ex designer, ha lavorato per anni come design editor, contribuendo ora - attraverso mentoring, curatela e scrittura - a rivedere il ruolo del design come pratica critica che supporta e protegge il rinnovamento eco-sociale attraverso metodologie sperimentali di design sistemico, relazionale e rigenerativo. //

Angela Rui is a design curator and researcher based in Milan. She got her PhD in Exhibition Design at the Politecnico of Milan, Faculty of Architecture. Former designer, she served as design editor for years, now contributing - through mentoring, curating and writing – to review the role of design as a critical practice that supports and protects eco-social renewal through experimental methodologies of systemic, relational and regenerative design.
Webinar hosting presenter
IED Admission Advisor
Attended (15)