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Tips for Successful Single-Cell & Single Nucleus RNA-seq Experiments

About This Webinar

Single Cell and Single Nucleus Genomics offer the amazing opportunity to enhance the resolution of our understanding of biology. However, successful experimentation is only possible when every small step is done properly.
This seminar is directed to those with and without expertise in the field, and for those who want to reinforce or learn how to design a single cell genomics experiment, to know what critical factors are needed to consider from sample accrual and storage to sample processing and sequencing. I will provide practical tips for what to do and what not to do. The take home message will be to take best practices of single cell genomics to their labs.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Scientific Director Single Cell Core at Harvard Medical School | Research Associate in the Department of Systems Biology, Harvard University
Dr. Martelotto has been recently been appointed Scientific Director of the Single Cell Core (SCC) Laboratory of Harvard Medical School (HMS), Department of Systems Biology. Prior to joing HMS, was the Head of the Single Cell Innovation Laboratory (SCIL) at The University of Melbourne Centre for Cancer Research (UMCCR) within the Victoria Comprehensive Cancer Centre (AUS) and as such has spearheaded the development and single cell-based -omics. Amongst his ground-breaking achievements is the establishment of a single-cell analysis of fresh, frozen and archival (FFPE) human samples, which facilitated our understanding of intra-tumour genetic heterogeneity (Xue, Martelotto et al., Nature Medicine 2017; Martelotto et al., Nature Medicine 2017). His current team develops, implements and offers current methods of single cell genomics in order to build a bridge between researchers and single-cell technologies in their quest to understand how cells collectively perform systems-level functions in healthy and diseased states. Through collaborative efforts with leading Institutes in Single cell genomics and Spatial Transcriptomics such as the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, UMCCR, The Garvan Institute of Medical Research (AUS) and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centrer (USA) as well as genomics companies like 10x Genomics and Illumina his team addresses how cellular heterogeneity shapes complex biological systems.
Hosted By
 Illumina  webinar platform hosts Tips for Successful Single-Cell & Single Nucleus RNA-seq Experiments
Illumina 's webinars
Attended (284)