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BBC Good Food (On Demand): Quick skills: homemade pasta

About This Webinar


Want to make your own pasta at home? In 30-mins, our expert Olivia Cavalli will quickly show you how the professionals make and roll out authentic egg pasta by hand, as well as answering top questions in the troubleshooting Q&A.

Olivia will share hints and tips to making authentically Italian egg pasta dough, including how to roll it to the right consistency for filled pasta, and cut it into shapes.

Watch and learn:

- How to make a basic egg pasta dough
- Key lessons on making the dough by hand
- Tips for successfully rolling out the dough
- Troubleshooting tips and best practice in the question & answer session

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: £8.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
BBC Good Food contributor Olivia Cavalli is a chef, food stylist, writer and photographer from London. She learnt how to cook from her Italian nonna who taught her the art of using simple ingredients, repurposing leftovers and the importance of a home-cooked meal. Olivia began her career in food journalism at the Telegraph in 2015 where her recipes, writing and photographs were published before moving into professional kitchens in London and Italy. She also worked with the wonderful Pasta Grannies, travelling across the country, meeting and learning from all the amazing nonni. She now shares her love of Italian food and culture with others through teaching and supper clubs.
Webinar hosting presenter
Deputy Food Editor