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Creating knowledge from vast amounts of enterprise data remains a challenge that requires agility working with big data and relational databases. As more companies transform their infrastructures with hybrid cloud solutions, they require environments that inherently protect, secure, and guarantee integrity of their data and business rules.

Most available data serving solutions only address a subset of the modern enterprise's requirements. For instance, they may be built on proprietary standards, provide weak security, offer limited scalability, perform inconsistently, or lack cloud mobility, thus inherently limiting business agility and growth.

Join experts from Fujitsu and IBM to learn how FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres, with IBM LinuxONE and Red Hat OpenShift, can help organizations transform their applications and enterprise data portfolio by providing innovative data privacy, security, and cyber resiliency capabilities, all delivered with high availability and resilience.
Global Offering Management and CoE Director, Fujitsu
CTO LinuxONE & Red Hat Synergy, IBM Z