Drones: how can railways promptly restore operations after an incident?

Once an incident occurs, infrastructure managers and operators need to gather data quickly to make the best decisions on safety and service restoration. Disruptions affect passengers and freight customers, and often lead to significant fines.

This session will look at how drones can offer an overview of an incident, communicating vital information before any rescue and engineering personnel can reach the site.

Expert speakers will include a national infrastructure manager, passenger operator, incident management experts Frequentis, and airspace intelligence specialists Dronecloud.

How can drones fit into incident management strategy? What is the key to efficient incident management when many stakeholders are involved?
  • 13:00 Introduction: Jules Omura
  • 13:04 Opening remarks: Diego Galar
  • 13:08 Drones across the incident management lifecycle: Ciara Keenaghan
  • 13:19 Drone inspections after natural events: Nazzareno Lopez
  • 13:30 Using a Drone operations and UTM platform to deploy drones at scale: Jan Domaradzki
  • 13:41 Panel discussion & Audience Q&As: All speakers
  • 14:25 Closing remarks: Diego Galar
  • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Webinar ID: 816839187962
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Yes.
  • Dial-in Number: Registration is full. If you have already registered, please log in or use the link from your registration confirmation email.
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