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Integrated rail data management: emerging trends for unpredictable times
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 · 1:00 p.m.
COVID-19 has accelerated innovation with new problems requiring new solutions. The unpredictable nature of the pandemic has meant that the rail sector can no longer rely on precedence to predict passenger behaviour, freight demands, employee shift patterns and maintenance requirements. Interdepartmental and real-time data management will be crucial for any rail operator to survive the continuing uncertainty.
This webinar will raise awareness of these opportunities and challenges, and present real success stories of organisations who have thrived through the big data explosion. How can rail better gather, visualise and integrate information and streamline communication between departments?
A live webinar audience will hear from leading rail operators, infrastructure owners and digitalisation experts Smart Motors on adopting the technologies and strategies to gain maximum benefit from available data. The debate will be chaired by PwC’s rail and road leader, Paolo Guglielminetti.
13:00 Introduction: Jules Omura
13:03 Opening remarks: Paolo Guglielminetti
13:06 Insight - turning data into intelligent information: Martin Mason
13:16 How to develop a comprehensive digitalization strategy?: Marc Gispert
13:31 Presentation 3: Wibout van Ede
13:41 Panel Discussion & audience Q&As: All speakers
14:26 Closing remarks: Paolo Guglielminetti
Timings are in CEST
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 · 1:00 p.m.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Who can attend?Everyone
Webinar ID:48eae675cfcb
Dial-in available?
(listen only):Yes.
Dial-in Number: Registration is full. If you have already registered, please log in or use the link from your registration confirmation email.
Detailed knowledge and practical experience in asset management, decision support, database management, data quality, data governance, data assurance and data analysis. An experienced Data/People/Project Manager with an approachable style used to...
Marc is currently participating in several digitalization and predictive maintenance events, sharing his know-how based on smart motors® achievements and his vision of a sustainable evolution of this discipline. He has an extensive technological...
Head of Operations Support, Rotterdam Electric Tram (RET)
Wibout is currently the Head of Operations Support at Rotterdam Electric Tram (RET) in The Netherlands. Dad, husband, avid runner, world traveler and energetic leader, but also an innovative thinker with the ability to enhance business processes...
Director of Metro Projects, Barcelona Metropolitan Transport (TMB)
Ignasi Oliver joined TMB in 1988. He has been responsible of several departments of maintenance and projects. Nowadays he is the Director of Projects Area of Metro, in charge of the Planning, management and execution of projects of...
Paolo is a Partner at PwC Italy, and Global Railways & Roads Leader. He has 20+ years of experience in transportation planning, economics, and operation, with a significant track record in the railway sector. Paolo has extensive international...