0:01:14 - Community Development Enhancements
- Changes with the bulletin, interface upgrades, and enhancements from each permit entity and code.

0:02:15 - Smart Bulletin Experience
- New features and links on the bulletin page, including adjusting user information, support call history, training request, and quick links.

0:06:28 - Dark Theme Beta
- Introduction to the new dark theme option in the software, easier on the eyes with bright colors for notices and permits.

0:09:36 - Calendar Feature
- Exploring the functionality and improvements of the calendar feature in the permit application.

0:09:58 - Interface Changes
- Highlighting the new modern interface design, aiming to improve visibility and provide a smoother user experience.

0:15:26 - Outlook Integration
- Integrating iWorQ with Outlook to periodically refresh and pull new inspections.

0:15:46 - Permit Graph Updates
- New features added to the permit graphs based on user feedback, including expand and print options.

0:18:00 - AM PM Option for Inspections
- An option for agencies to schedule inspections with a general AMP (AM or PM) time preference.

0:18:24 - Permit Enhancements
- Enhancements made to the permit application, including the calendar feature.

0:19:16 - Inspection Scheduler
- Scheduling inspections and viewing available time slots for inspectors.

0:20:41 - Emailing for Inspection Requests
- A feature that allows agencies to email contractors to approve or deny inspection requests.

0:23:56 - Permit Management
- Features and options available in a permit management system, such as PV system requirements, ESS electrical code, ESS residential code, and PV and ESS sections.

0:23:56 - Solar Permit Applications
- A solution for complying with state initiatives to streamline solar permitting, including an application form and instant approval or denial.

0:25:49 - Inactivating Licenses
- A feature in the license management module that allows users to make licenses inactive, filtering them out from new license selections while retaining them for historical records.

0:28:37 - Entity Inspections from the Portal
- The ability for entities to request inspections from the web portal, providing access codes and necessary information to schedule inspections.

0:29:38 - Code Enhancements
- A new feature called 'Items for Activities' in the code enforcement module, allowing for more granular tracking of activity items and actions.

0:29:38 - Items on the Portal
- The ability to restrict uploads from view on the contractor portal, ensuring sensitive uploads are hidden while still being tracked in the permit.

0:32:14 - Notes Text Area
- Adding notes in a text area when filling out a form.

0:33:02 - Restricting Uploads from View
- Agencies can hide sensitive uploads from the contractor portal while still tracking them within the permit.

0:40:01 - Web forms
- Creating master web forms for different areas such as building permits, electrical, mechanical, planning, and zoning.

0:40:08 - Web Form Templates
- Enterprise users have access to pre-built web form templates for building permits, electrical, mechanical, planning and zoning, and plumbing.

0:40:24 - Examples of Tracking
- Requesting examples of what other agencies are tracking to enhance their workflow.

0:40:24 - Templates
- Access to pre-made templates for web forms that are popular and beneficial for agencies.

0:41:27 - Feature updates
- How to suggest or ask for feature updates, whether during implementation or by reaching out to support.

0:43:06 - Contractors on the portal
- Allowing contractors to view their inspection results on the portal without contacting the office.


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(888)655-1259 | support@iworq.com

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    Community Development & Public Works Software Solutions