Join us! for a private, educational event for Joseph S Sturniolo & Associate's clients and friends. We will be holding this event in person and by livestream for those who can not attend and in case we reach limited capacity numbers.
Dr. Julie McCallen MD, President of Cenegenics Denver will talk about important Alzheimer's information and recent discoveries that make it treatable and preventable!
Alzheimer’s Disease affects at least 1 in every 9 people over age 65. It takes away your memories, your capacity for thought, and your ability to live a full an independent life. In the last 50 years we have seen amazing progress in the treatment of many diseases – heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS…but there is still no effective treatment for Alzheimer’s…no cure, and not even anything that reliably prevents or slows its progress. Of the 244 experimental drugs tested from 2000 to 2010, the last new drug approved for Alzheimer’s was in 2003, and it has modest effects at best. It is the only one of the nation’s ten most common causes of death for which there is no effective treatment.
BUT...guess what? Alzheimer’s is not a single disease. It is both treatable and preventable. In this discussion we will look at the scientific basis of Alzheimer’s – where it comes from and why it is so common. We will look at the tests to identify what is causing cognitive decline or risk for it, then look at how to fix each of the things that are broken in order to reverse or prevent cognitive decline. We will discuss how to sustain these improvements through your life, so that you can continue to enjoy the bounty that you have worked so diligently to save.
More about Dr. Julie McCallen,MD
Dr. McCallen received her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from Cornell University and her medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. She has practiced full spectrum family medicine for over 30 years, devoting the past 12 years to extreme wellness and health optimization
Thursday, May 20, 2021 · 6:00 p.m.
Mountain Time (US & Canada)