Autonomous maintenance Step 1, 2 & 3

In the evolution of TPM, AM grew out of the 5S activities by the production teams. They found that in order to deal with barriers to the availability and performance of the equipment, they needed to improve equipment conditions, initially by applying the principles of 5S. 

Autonomous Maintenance (AM) is the second pillar and also the most distinctive feature of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Undoubtedly, the backbone of the equipment maintenance program, Autonomous Maintenance, when practised in the right perspective, can eliminate 40~60% of the causes that lead to unplanned breakdowns.

To understand AM rightly, AM should be treated as an improvement initiative within TPM, rather than production teams carrying out maintenance activities. Apart from the restoration of equipment to best-performing conditions, this initiative develops the competency of the operators regarding the equipment and its processes.

This webinar will introduce the attendees to the 7-Steps of Autonomous Maintenance process. A deep dive exercise on the first 3-steps will be done which will guide the attendees practice the same on their Gemba.
  • Business & finance
  • Career
  • Coaching
  • Education & learning
  • Professional development
  • Enable the attendees aware of Natural deterioration and Accelerated deterioration
  • Providing knowledge on discriminating ”usage conditions” & “basic conditions”
  • To make attendees aware of the fact that doing basic activities like COTI would lead to reduction of unplanned breakdowns up to 60%
  • Build an equipment & process competent Operator
  • Categories:
    • Business & finance
    • Career
    • Coaching
    • Education & learning
    • Professional development
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Price: $5.00
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Not available.
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