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KAIZEN™ Change Model: Operating System for Operational Excellence

For nearly three decades till the early years of this century - as the world went through the eras of TQC, TPS, Lean, TPM, TOC & Six Sigma - all improvement initiatives were Tool Based. What could not go unnoticed was that many of the improvements/ changes were short-lived - sustaining such changes was a major challenge! Despite hundreds of companies learning from Toyota’s methods, nearly nobody was harvesting Toyota kind of success!

It was realised that ‘Tool based approach’ has limitations; that there are missing pieces to organisational transformation for sustained, long-term excellence. Kaizen Institute, founded by Sensei Masaaki Imai in 1985, is the oldest Consulting outfit to be working solely in this domain for 35 years! Our first-hand experiences of working with hundreds of organisations across the globe in different sectors provided us with opportunities to experiment with and learn from, successes & failures.

Our distilled learning is encapsulated in KCM (Kaizen Change Model), which is a tried and tested approach that puts together the missing pieces!

In this webinar, we bring to you the ways of thinking, and paradigms, that go towards the building of KCM.

We also bring to you the 5 pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, & 4 levels of maturity that enable successful transformation towards sustained, self-reliant, long-term excellence.

Program Objectives

1. ‘Tools Based’ approaches to improvement are inadequate

2. Sustainable change requires ‘culture-building’

3. Desired ‘Cultures’ can be built – there is a proven process

4. Leadership has a crucial role in directing & managing transformation

5. Meaning of ‘Excellence’ in practical terms

6. The route to excellence passes through people engagement & people development

7. Step by step outline of a generic roadmap

8. Stage-gates to assess progress, find gaps & navigate the journey to sustained excellence
  • Business & finance
  • Career
  • Education & learning
  • Professional development
  • Introduction to KAIZEN™ Change Module
  • Daily KAIZEN™ and its Benefits
  • Support KAIZEN™ and its Benefits
  • Breakthrough KAIZEN™ and its Benefits
  • Leader KAIZEN™ and its Benefits
  • Categories:
    • Business & finance
    • Career
    • Education & learning
    • Professional development
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Price: $5.00
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Yes.
  • Dial-in Number: This is a premium Training. Please log in or register for this Training to view the dial-in info.
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