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What Does Harmony Have to Do with Wine?

About This Webinar

John Laloganes, M.Ed., School of Hospitality Management

This interactive training module will engage the learner in a sensory adventure through exploring the parallels of music and varying styles of Riesling. This wine's ever present ripeness and acidity coupled with her clean, purity of aromas and flavors make for an exciting and versatile white wine. In the context of wine, there is no other, which can offer a single sip with as much finesse, intensity of flavor, and thrilling acidity as a Riesling. Yet this wine remains one of the most underrated and—yet in many cases—misunderstood varietals.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 4f78888b9e58
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Center for Teaching and Learning's Community webinar platform hosts What Does Harmony Have to Do with Wine?
The Center for Teaching and Learning at Kendall College supports faculty through course development, professional development, innovation, and educational resources.
Attended (4)