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How Curious Are You about the English Language Institute? and What Does Ice Cream Have to Do with Murder?

About This Webinar

Maria Montalvo, Ph.D., School of Education; Kathy Luebke, M.Ed., Advising; Erin Shelley, M.S.L.I.S., Academic Success Center

The Kendall English Language Institute (ELI) is about to launch it's third iteration in the spring. Come join me to discover why we have launched this initiative, who it serves, what it is doing for us, and how you may participate. Some sample ESL strategies will be presented to inspire you to incorporate them in your teaching and other interactions with students whose home language is something other than English.

Jake Stolmeier, M.S., Institutional Research

Asking the right questions is the key to understanding the world around you. The same goes for education. Does our new program work? What do students like about us? Are certain students more successful? Although these may seem like good questions, there is too much left for interpretation. This session sheds light on systematic ways to ask questions you have about the education world so that you may find your way to answers.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: f646ab9f7a80
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Center for Teaching and Learning's Community webinar platform hosts How Curious Are You about the English Language Institute? and What Does Ice Cream Have to Do with Murder?
The Center for Teaching and Learning at Kendall College supports faculty through course development, professional development, innovation, and educational resources.
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