Do you have questions about using Blackboard as a part of your teaching? Not sure how to set up your Grade Center? Want to use Turnitin but aren’t sure how to get started? Want to upload additional resources for students but not sure how? Interested in creating a test or quiz in Blackboard but am unsure about the best way to do this? Have you heard about blogs, journals, and wikis and think they might be good ways for students to communicate and interact in your course, but you have no idea how to set them up? Want to create a more interactive learning environment for students by integrating free online tools? Blackboard Refresher is an opportunity to bring your questions and receive support to create the best learning opportunities for our students.
You can participate virtually using a FREE online video conferencing tool called BigMarker. Go to up to 15 minutes before the session begins. You do not need a Web cam or microphone to participate but you may need to create a free account.
Please have a copy of your syllabus.