Tuesday, May 10, 2022 · 7:00 a.m.
Arizona (GMT -7:00)
Day 1 Agenda
Module 1 - Overview of the Indian Self-Determination Act: This module provides an overview of the ISDA with a special focus on construction contracting under the Act, made possible by the 1988 technical amendments to the Act. Attendees will understand the intent of Congress when they passed the Act and the policy provisions to ensure that tribes have every right and opportunity to assume direct control over federal programs serving tribes.
Differences between commercial construction contracting and contracting under the Indian Self-Determination Act
Contract Relationship Model under the Indian Self-Determination Act
Key Principles (tenants) under the Indian Self-Determination Act
Technical Amendments to Pub. L. 93-638; an Overview
Tribal Sovereign Rights Under the Indian Self-Determination Act