[Entrepreneur hour] Understand the marketing funnel
Conquer your e-commerce marketing funnel to effectively acquire, convert, and retain customers.
Jan 30, 04:00:00 PM GMT
Please note that all trainings are recorded, and all registrants will receive a copy of the recording. So if the timing of this training doesn't suit you - sign up anyway and watch at your leisure!

The marketing funnel, recognized as the first formal theory of marketing, remains a cornerstone framework for marketers and entrepreneurs today. But it’s more than just a theoretical concept - it’s a powerful, proven model that allows you to segment and target your prospects and customers based on where they are in their customer journey, whether that’s just becoming aware of your product or gearing up for their second purchase.

Combine an understanding of the marketing funnel with the right tools you need to influence it at each stage, and you’ve got a solid marketing strategy that you can apply to any online retail business.

Attend this session if you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner who wants to: 

  • Create a more effective marketing strategy but struggles to know where to start
  • Save time by understanding how to target the right audience at each stage of the customer journey
  • Increase conversions and boost ROI on your marketing efforts, even with limited resources
  • The history of the marketing funnel
  • The three stages of a simple e-commerce marketing funnel
  • Tactics that work to influence each stage of the funnel

Klaviyo (CLAY-vee-oh) powers smarter digital relationships, making it easy for businesses to capture, store, analyze, and predictively use their own data to drive measurable, high-value outcomes.

Rob Boland
Rob loves to think outside the box and solve those "head scratching" problems that keep you awake at night. He works to bridge the gap between business and technology drawing on his experience working with hundreds of companies over the last 10 years
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Webinar: [Entrepreneur hour] Understand the marketing funnel by Klaviyo Customer Education