As a marketer, you probably know what your ideal customer looks like. You probably also know which kinds of campaigns resonate with them and which don’t. But insights beyond that are really hard to find on your own. How could your life change, for example, if you understood the precise moment that your recent customers start to slide towards churn? How about if you knew exactly which product would turn a one-time buyer into a repeat customer?
Enter Klaviyo Marketing Analytics, a brand new analytics add-on that allows you to make smarter decisions about your marketing and take action in a single click. Not only can you perform robust analysis on customer behavior, you can also use those deeper insights to drastically improve your automation and personalization efforts in a single platform, driving repeat purchases and incremental revenue for your business.
In this Getting started training, we’ll walk you through the basics of the new Marketing Analytics add-on and provide you with a checklist for your first 30 days using the tool.
Join this training if: you’re a marketer with a small team (or a team of one!) at a small or medium-sized business, struggling to join the dots between your data and prioritize your marketing efforts.
Come to this session with your Klaviyo account open, ready to analyze your own marketing analytics.