How are today's top brands thinking about AI?

Join our upcoming webinar where we’ll unveil insights from a recent study of 600+ marketing leaders at top brands who weighed in on the current state of AI in digital marketing—as well as their predictions into how AI will evolve in the future.

Plus, hear from Klaviyo's AI experts on their observations surrounding AI trends and how new technological advancements will impact marketers.
  • Welcome
  • The current state of AI
  • AI survey findings + insights
  • Takeaways, predictions, and action items
  • 1720457686-9234c815fc1c738f
    Alex McPeak
    Content Lead at Klaviyo
  • 1720457620-51d777ffac92d825
    Carola Leiva
    Lead Product Manager at Klaviyo
  • 1720457666-9179c76cea7a9b8a
    Christina Dedrick
    Director of Engineering at Klaviyo