Normal cell and tissue physiology is complex, even without pathologies that arise from myriad sources and impact multiple pathways. Rather than focusing on individual molecular entry points, phenotypic imaging enables a broader understanding of disease outcomes. This webinar will examine advances in imaging and high-content screening modalities to facilitate such understanding.
Beth Cimini, PhD
Senior Computational Biologist, Imaging Platform Broad Institute
Beth Cimini is the Lead Image Assay Developer for the Imaging Platform at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA. After doing research in visual neuroscience with William Eldred at Boston University as an undergraduate, she obtained a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with Elizabeth Blackburn at UCSF, studying the difference between splicing variants of the telomere master scaffolding protein TIN2. These projects honed her interests in image analysis, leading her to join Anne Carpenter's lab at the Broad, where she leads a team collaborating with approximately 30 outside scientists per year on their own custom image analysis projects. She also co-maintains the lab's main software tool, CellProfiler, and directs the Broad efforts towards community engagement and driving biological projects for the Center for Open Bioimage Analysis (COBA).