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Say Yes Less: Why It Matters and How to Do It with Jeffrey Cufaude

About This Webinar

As individuals we want to be helpful.
As organizations we strive to serve others. 

Both intentions cause us to say “yes” to too many people and opportunities. Saying “yes” all the time simply is not sustainable. In trying to be all things to all people, we may end up being not enough of anything...for anyone.

This webinar explores saying yes less, why it matters and the beliefs and behaviors required to do it. While the principles discussed in the webinar are relevant for individuals and organizations, our time together will focus almost exclusively on their individual application. Specifically, we will explore the following questions:
• What beliefs influence your philosophy of yes?
• To what offers or opportunities would you definitely say no? Why?
• With what people or in what situations do you most often feel obliged to say yes?
• What are potential pitfalls of embracing the improv philosophy of yes and?
• What are helpful ways of saying no that lessen any potential negative

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 7802be91d02d
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Jeffrey C
Idea Architects
I help individuals and organizations rethink their beliefs and behaviors to refresh their results through my writing, keynote speaking and workshop presentations, and facilitated leadership learning experiences. Previously I served both as a higher education student affairs staff member and nonprofit association executive as well as co-founded and led a 15-person consulting practice.

I am a long-time contributor to the LeaderShape community including service as a Co-Lead, a speaker at various Co-Lead trainings, and working on the Institute curriculum. Most recently, I helped develop the new Catalyst experience.

I held leadership positions in a variety of state, regional, and national associations and for 10 years designed and facilitated the American Society of Association of Executives Future Leadership Conference, one of their flagship professional development offerings. I blog regularly at ideaarchitects.org and my TEDx Indianapolis talk on lifelong learning can be found at goo.gl/Mwnrsw8G. A longer ACPA HEd Talks version is at http://www.myacpa.org/acpa14-hed-talks-jeffrey-cufaude.
Hosted By
Leadershape webinar platform hosts Say Yes Less: Why It Matters and How to Do It with Jeffrey Cufaude
Our mission is to transform the world by increasing the number of people who lead with integrity and a healthy disregard for the impossible.
Attended (35)