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ADHD及社會情感技能訓練 ADHD and Social-Emotional Skills Training


甚麼是社會情感技能?為何它對ADHDers特別重要?在這次的活動中,SENsational Foundation的顧問 林碧菁女士將會介紹社會情感技能及解釋它對ADHDers的重要程度。林女士亦會建議家長及教育工作者如何提升ADHDers的社會情感技能。

What is Socio-emotional training? Why does it matter for ADHDers? In this webinar, Ms Dayna Lim, Sensational Foundation consultant, will talk about socio-emotional training and its importance for ADHDers. Ms. Lim will also suggest ways for parents and teachers to nurture ADHDer's socio-emotional capability.

參與權限: 每個人
會議價格: 免費
Webinar hosting presenter


林女士在管理特殊需要兒童早期介入方面的培訓中心擁有豐富經驗,該中心已發展多年。 她亦曾擔任多個角色包括,daynalim.com的創始人,在YouTube分享自閉症資訊;香港耀能協會自閉症委員會成員;扶康會自閉症委員會成員;賽馬會善樂學校校務委員會成員及JCSRS Accelerated program的創辦人等等。

Ms Dayna Lim was born in Singapore and has a son, who is on the autism spectrum. Dayna continues to spend enormous effort to keep abreast with the latest development in autism and is continuously searching for the “right” approach, that would help in caring for her son.

Dayna’s journey with her son began 15 years ago. She has gained enormous knowledge and has had eye-opening experiences that changed her life and how she copes with autism. She is relentless and tirelessly explores new techniques and learns from people with greater knowledge and experience locally and internationally, so as to cater for their needs at home and in a school environment.

The lack of services in Asia, when compared with those in more developed nations of the world has deepened Dyna’s conviction to consistently strive to make a difference and to be a positive catalyst to the Special Needs Community.
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