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如何關注及支援女性ADHD朋友 How to take care and support ADHD women


多數女性ADHDers患的是專注力失調,小時候無論在家中或學校表現非常乖巧和安靜,令身邊人以難發現她們患此症狀,而錯過治療的黃金時間,也影響她們成長後的心路歷程、身心健康和人際關係。今次工作坊邀請ADHD,ASC & LD Belgium的秘書長Chantel Fouche女士,為大家講解女性ADHDers遇到困難和挑戰;若延遲確診和治療所帶來影響;目前歐洲對ADHD知識的普及性;以及ADHD,ASC & LD Belgium為歐洲女性ADHDers提供的服務。

Most female ADHDers suffer from attention deficits. When the female ADHDers were young, they behaved very well and quietly at home or school, parents and teachers didn’t know them with ADHD. Missing the prime time for treatment affects the female ADHDers' mental health, physical health, and relationships. In this webinar, Ms. Chantel Fouche, Secretary General of ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium, will explain what difficulties and challenges female ADHDers are facing, the impact of delays in diagnosis and treatment, the current popularity of ADHD knowledge in Europe, and the services for European female ADHDers provided by ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium.

參與權限: 每個人
會議價格: 免費
Webinar hosting presenter
ADHD Europe ADHD Awareness and Communications工作組成員 member
Chantel Fouche女士擁有多年財務管理及行政工作經驗,曾在法國從商5年。她為非牟利組織ADHD Europe的發展作出貢獻,並繼續為ADHD Europe的目標提供支持。她是ADHD Europe的ADHD Awareness and Communications工作組的成員。

自2017年以來, Chantel擔任ADHD,ASC & LD Belgium的秘書長,這是一個為ADHD患者、父母、老師及其家人的比利時ADHD倡導團體。該團體為ADHD和許多神經系統疾病提供支持和教育,並在布魯塞爾積極為患者發聲,通過各種活動宣傳有關ADHD的知識。Chantel於2019年在世界大腦日 (WBD) 上,首次以患者身份發言講解ADHD,團體並在2020年的世界大腦日,舉辦以大腦和心理健康為重點的活動,獲得多個歐洲組織認可。Chantel期望為ADHD Europe在歐洲議會和歐盟內部進行專業的遊說工作。

Chantel目前致力工作於ADHD和女性項目,該項目由ADHS(Deutschland) 與ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium合作,並獲得歐洲神經學協會聯盟的資助。


For the position of Treasurer, Ms. Chantel Fouche has professional experience with debtors, creditors, budgets, and following through with administrative tasks related to the role. She has 14 year’s high-level executive administration experience and was a business owner in France for five years. She has contributed to the growth of ADHD Europe and shall continue to offer support to the Executive Board for ADHD Europe’s aims & objectives.

She is a member of the ADHD Awareness and Communications working groups for ADHD Europe. Since 2017, She is the Secretary General of ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium, one of the ADHD advocacy groups for people with ADHD, parents, teachers, and their families in Belgium. They provide support and education for ADHD and many neurodiverse conditions. They are actively involved in advocating for the patient’s voice at the European capital of Europe in Brussels with various awareness and activity events for the dissemination of knowledge about ADHD. She gave her first patient testimonial on World Brain Day (WBD) in 2019 talking about ADHD. They organised WBD in partnership with EFNA, and the European Brain Council. For WBD in 2020, their organisation hosted the event focusing on brain and mental health, with many endorsements from organisations on the European level. She looks forward to working with the Board to help professionalise lobbying for ADHD Europe at European Parliament and within the EU. She is currently actively working on the ADHD and Women project. This project between ADHS (Deutschland) and ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium was awarded a grant by the European Federation of Neurological Associations.

She is a mother of two boys, of which her oldest, was diagnosed in 2007 with ADHD in South Africa where diagnosis, treatment, and educational support knowledge contributes to the advocacy and awareness efforts that are much needed for ADHD in Europe.
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