不少有殘疾(例如:ADHD)的專業人士,覺得找工作是一件十分困難、甚至容易使人氣餒事情。在這次網上研討會中,Oliver James(OJ)會介紹 OJAbility — 我們作為僱主及求職者之間的平台。我們亦會討論一些ADHD求職者找工作的困難及如何克服它們。作為職業介紹所,OJ將會分享一些協助僱主及員工締造接納包容工作環境的「小貼士」。
A job search can be a daunting experience for professionals with disabilities such as ADHD. In this webinar, Oliver James (OJ) will introduce OJAbility – the initiative connecting employers with our candidates. We will cover some of the challenges facing ADHD candidates in job search and ways to overcome them. As a recruiter, OJ will share some tips with employers and employees about creating an inclusive work environment.