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ADHD及職場殘疾歧視 - ADHD and Disability Discrmination

About This Webinar

在香港,您知道ADHD被列為殘疾嗎?殘疾歧視是甚麼意思? 若這並非殘疾歧視,我們還能做甚麼以防止殘疾人士受到歧視,以及建立一個包容的職場環境呢? 在今次網上研討會中,來自歐華律師事務所的陳俊達先生會分享ADHDers在職場上所面對的挑戰。

Do you know that ADHD is recognised as a disability in Hong Kong? What does it mean to be disability discrimination? If this is not disability discrmination, what else can we do to prevent disability discrmination and create an inclusive workplace? In this webinar, Aaron Chan from DLA Piper will share his view to the scenarios ADHDers faced in their work.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Pro Bono Associate, DLA Piper
陳俊達(Aaron)協助管理歐華律師事務所(DLA Piper)在亞洲的免費法律援助服務,並代表個人和企業客戶處理具爭議性的公益事務。

Aaron helps manage the Firm’s pro bono practice in Asia.  He also represents individual and corporate clients on contentious pro bono matters.  
Aaron is experienced in public interest litigation. Among all the social issues, bringing equality and fairness to the marginalized community and improving access to justice are the two causes that are very close to Aaron’s heart.  
Aaron has advised and represented individual clients who experienced discrimination due to their gender, gender identities, sexual orientation, or disabilities to seek legal remedies. Some of the cases that Aaron had worked on brought systemic changes to Hong Kong.
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Attended (45)