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ADHD 是一個模特兒、法律工作者及教練的超能力來源 - ADHD as the superpower in modeling, law, and ADHD coaching

About This Webinar

對某些患者來說,被確診出有ADHD可能是一種釋放,生活開始變得有意義。是次網上研討會,我們很高興邀請身兼模特兒、法律專業畢業生、社會運動參與者及ADHD教練的Leanne Maskell女士,她將分享她個人與ADHD一起生活的經驗,從利用自己身為ADHDer所擁有的長處,到讓其他ADHDers自主地在每個生活領域中活得更好一點一滴之經驗。

Being diagnosed with ADHD can be liberating for some people - life starts to make sense.   In this webinar, we are happy to feature Leanne Maskell, a model, law graduate, activist, and ADHD coach.   Leanne will share her experience of living with ADHD, from utilizing her strengths as an ADHDer to empowering other ADHDers to live well in every life arena.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
ADHD Coach - Legal Activist
"Leanne Maskell 為《ADHD:A to Z》書籍之作者,也是ADHD Works創辦人,提供ADHD輔導、靜修和課程,幫助人們使用自己ADHD特質為生工作。
Leanne Maskell 在25歲被確診患ADHD後,從事心理健康及殘疾法等工作。她曾出版三本書,也是一位反對剝削殘疾人士權益的堅定倡導者,並曾被《紐約時報》等國際電視和媒體報道。

Leanne Maskell is the author of ‘ADHD: an A to Z’ and founder of ADHD Works, providing ADHD Coaching, Retreats & Courses to help people make ADHD work for them. 
After being diagnosed with ADHD age 25, Leanne worked in mental health & disability law. She has published 3 books and is a strong advocate against exploitation, having been featured by international television and media outlets such as the Times.
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Attended (31)