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ADHD父親如何與仔女建立良好關係 - Daddy with ADHD: What can you do to create a loving relationship with your children?

About This Webinar

"為人父親,肩負重任,需要不斷進深學習。患有ADHD的父親在養兒育女方面或面對重大挑戰,原因是男性ADHDers均有共同特質,這些特質會影響親子關係。今次網上研討會,我們很高興邀請Jamie Lee先生,他是東南亞知名配對約會公司Lunch Actually聯合創辦人,兼ADHD資訊平台Unlocking ADHD的董事。Jamie的女兒患有ADHD,他會分享ADHD症狀如何影響他的養育方式,以及如何與子女建立積極和充滿愛的關係。

Being a father is a huge responsibility that needs to be mastered.  A daddy with ADHD may find parenting very challenging since traits common to men with ADHD can interfere with the father-child relationship for years. In this webinar, we are happy to invite Mr. Jamie Lee.  Jamie is a co-founder of the regionally-renowned dating agency Lunch Actually and director of Unlocking ADHD. With an ADHD daughter, Jamie will share how ADHD impacts his parenting and how he creates a positive, loving relationship with his children.


Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Unlocking ADHD Director Co-founder of Lunch Actually
Jamie Lee於2004年4月與其妻子Violet Lim共同創立Lunch Actually,Lunch Actually是東南亞最大的約會團體。他將業務從新加坡,擴展至馬來西亞、香港、印尼、泰國和台灣,並將服務範圍擴展到包括約會網站、應用程式,並且是美國B2B約會行業企業的合作夥伴,提供商業服務至環球的配對約會公司同業。
Jamie投入新加坡商業業務,他是初創企業界的導師、天使投資者,並受邀作演講者在多個創業會議上發表演講;他亦以董事和義工身份投入參與Unlocking ADHD的工作。他喜歡閱讀,玩策略遊戲,以及參加自我提升課程。

Jamie co-founded Lunch Actually in April 2004 together with his wife Violet Lim which is Lunch Actually is South  East Asia’s biggest dating group. He helped expand the businesses from Singapore to Malaysia, Hong Kong,  Indonesia, Thailand and Taiwan and broadened the range of products to include Dating Websites, Apps and is also the partner of B2B Dating industry venture in the USA to provide business services to the Offline Dating industry players worldwide.
Jamie has been involved in the Singapore's business and startup scene as a mentor, angel investor and has spoke in several start-up conferences as an invited speaker. He is also involved with Unlocking ADHD as a Board Director and a Project Volunteer. He loves reading, strategy games and attending self-improvement courses."
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Attended (15)