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家庭融洽:支持ADHD家庭成員的有效策略 Family Harmony: Effective Strategies for Supporting Family Members with ADHD

About This Webinar






Are you feeling overwhelmed while caring for an ADHD patient, unsure how to handle emotional and behavioral challenges? Curious about how crucial family support is in the growth of ADHD patients? Join our webinar to hear the expert insights of Dr. Lin Meiling, a specialist in psychiatry.

In this webinar, Dr. Lin will delve into the roles and strategies of family members in supporting ADHD patients. What kind of family environment best aids emotional stability in ADHD patients? How can effective communication techniques reduce friction and conflict within the family?

Dr. Lin will share her extensive clinical experience, providing practical advice to help families create a harmonious environment and improve the quality of life for ADHD patients. This webinar will offer you inspiration and actionable plans to better manage daily challenges.

This webinar will provide concrete strategies and professional advice to help you build a supportive and understanding family environment. Stay curious and join us to explore how to better support ADHD patients within the family.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and improve your family support strategies. See you at the webinar!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Specialist in Psychiatry, President, The Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association



林醫生曾擔任香港精神科醫學院副院長(教育事務) ,香港特別行政區政府監護委員會和監管釋囚委員會成員、精神健康覆核審裁處委員會的醫務成員,現為香港特別行政區政府醫務衞生局,《兒童及青少年精神健康服務新服務議定書》專家委員會檢討專責工作小組的成員、人類生殖科技管理局成員,及其倫理委員會的主席、衞生署的私營醫療機構規管制度咨詢委員會成員,也是警務處警察談判組的精神醫學榮譽顧問,積極參與政府及社會事務。

Dr Lam is a Psychiatry Specialist, Founder and President of The Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association, currently the Director of The Alpha Clinic & The Alpha Wellbeing Centre. She is also Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, United Kingdom. Dr Lam serves as Honorary Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Family Medicine at the HKU Faculty of Medicine; Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary) at Department of Psychiatry, CUHK; and Adjunct Associate Professor at Department of Social Work and Social Administrations, HKU. Dr Lam graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Dr Lam was the Visiting Scholar at Harvard Medical School Department of Social Medicine, Harvard University in 2003 – 2004. She has obtained International Clinical, Operational and Health Services Research and Training Award and the Forgarty Research Grant at the Harvard Medical School. Academically, she has published various papers in international and local peer-reviewed journals.

Dr Lam has been working in the field of mental health for years, in particular child and youth mental wellbeing and development. She is currently the Course Coordinator of Master of Social Work Children and Youth Mental Health Programme at the HKU Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Course Coordinator of Professional Diploma Course on Understanding and Supporting Students and Youths with Neurodiversity at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong; and has served as Course Coordinator of the Master of and Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Medicine at the HKU Psychiatry Department. She is also passionate in providing mental health professional training at schools for teachers, parents and the general public by delivering educational talks and workshops, promoting mental health and mental health education at the local Hong Kong community and at mainland China including the Greater Bay Area. She is also involved in leading various community projects in helping young people and adults with emotional problems.

Dr Lam is the Honorary Consultant of the Greater Bay Area Medical Professional Development Association, executive committee member of the Mental Health Association Executive Committee, co-chair of its Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness Sub-committee, and Honorary Consultant (Social Work Services Division) of Caritas HK. She also serves as a member of the Service Development Sub-Committee of the Richmond Fellowship. Dr Lam founded the Variety Butterfly Programme under Variety-The Children’s Charity HK, and is currently their Life Advisor and Co-chair. She is passionate in helping underprivileged young people to maximize their potential given their strengths and interests.

Dr Lam has served as the Vice-President (Censor/ Education) of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists, Board Member and Committee Member of various Government Departments, such as Board Member of The Mental Health Review Tribunal. She is currently the Committee Member of the Task Group on Evaluation of the Expert Group on New Service Protocol for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Member of the Council on Human Reproductive Technology of the Health Bureau and its Ethics Committee; she is also the Advisory Committee Member for Regulatory Standards for Private Healthcare Facilities at the Department of Health, Honorary Consultant (Psychiatry) of the HKSAR Government Police Negotiation Cadre, actively participating in government and society service.
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