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新加坡及日本如何診斷成人? ADHD How do Singapore and Japan diagnose ADHD?

About This Webinar

ADHD曾被視為只有兒童才會出現的神經發展障礙。近年來,由於成年ADHDers在高等教育、工作場所、家庭和社會生活中面臨巨大挑戰,他們愈來愈受到社會關注。當大多數精神科醫生以美國的精神疾病診斷與統計手冊(DSM)作為ADHD的主要診斷標準時,日本及新加坡是如何診斷成人ADHD呢?今次網上研討會,新加坡國立大學何振民教授將幫助我們了解 該兩個國家是如何診斷成人ADHD。

ADHD was once considered a neurodevelopment disorder only in children. In recent years, there has been a growing attention to ADHD in adults since adults with ADHD can face tremendous challenges in higher education, workplaces, family, and social lives. While most psychiatrasrists refer to the United States’ Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as the main diagnostic criteria for ADHD, how is adult ADHD diagnosed in Japan and Singapore? In this webinar, Professor Roger Ho of the National University of Singapore, will help us to understand how adult ADHD is diagnosed in these two countries.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Professor & Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Professor Roger Ho is a Professor of Psychiatry and Senior Consultant Psychiatrist at the National University of Singapore. He obtained his M.B.B.S and Doctor of Medicine degrees from the University of Hong Kong. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK), Royal College of Physicians (Canada) and Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh). His research focuses on novel infrared light neuroimaging to enhance precision of psychiatric diagnosis. He has published more than 500 academic papers and 7 academic books. Professor Ho was identified by Clarivate as the “Highly Cited Researchers 2021” and among the most influential academics in the world.
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