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教養ADHD孩子:兩位媽媽的成功故事分享 Parenting Children with ADHD: Success Stories from Two Mothers


在照顧患有專注力失調及過度活躍症(ADHD)的孩子時,父母面臨著諸多挑戰,但這些挑戰也為孩子的成長帶來了新的機遇。在這場講座中,我們邀請了兩位有豐富經驗的媽媽——吳敏珊女士 Elizabeth 和 潘康琪女士 Kathy,分享她們在教養ADHD孩子過程中的成功故事,並探討如何將這些挑戰轉化為孩子成長的力量。

Elizabeth 是一位擁有22歲女兒的媽媽,她將分享多年來幫助女兒管理ADHD的經驗,包括如何應對青春期的變化,以及如何幫助女兒在面對社會和職場挑戰時建立自信。Kathy 則是11歲男孩的母親,她將討論如何應對ADHD帶來的日常挑戰,並分享她在家庭和學校環境中如何幫助兒子成長。


1. 兩位媽媽如何發現孩子的ADHD跡象,以及她們最初的反應和應對方式。
2. 面對不同年齡段的孩子,如何調整教養策略來支持他們的發展。
3. 如何幫助孩子管理情緒和專注力問題,並在社會和學校環境中茁壯成長。
4. 在家庭中建立開放溝通的環境,並與學校合作來支持孩子的教育。



Parenting a child with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) comes with its unique set of challenges, but these challenges can also become opportunities for growth and development. In this webinar, we invite two experienced mothers, Elizabeth and Kathy, to share their success stories in raising children with ADHD and discuss how they turned these challenges into strengths for their kids.

Elizabeth, a mother of a 22-year-old daughter, will share her experiences in helping her daughter manage ADHD over the years, including navigating the changes during adolescence and building confidence as she faces social and workplace challenges. Kathy, a mother of an 11-year-old boy, will talk about tackling the daily challenges of ADHD and how she has supported her son’s growth in both family and school settings.

In this session, you’ll learn:

1. How both mothers first recognized the signs of ADHD in their children and their initial reactions and coping strategies.
2. How to adapt parenting strategies to support children at different stages of their development.
3. Ways to help children manage emotional and attention-related issues while fostering their growth in social and educational environments.
4. Tips for creating an open communication environment at home and working with schools to support your child’s education.

Whether you are a parent of a child with ADHD or someone interested in understanding ADHD parenting better, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical advice. Join us to learn how to better support the growth and development of children with ADHD.

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar!

参与权限: 每个人
会议价格: 免费
Webinar hosting presenter
Certified Life Coach and Trainer / Founder of Fulfilling Life Coaching Services
Elizabeth Ng主修人力資源管理,是資深的企業及社福界培訓師、豐盛人生啟導服務的創辦人、BTI認證的人生啟導師及培訓師。她專注於為家長提供快速見效的一對一啟導,為中年人提供職業啟導,並為退休人士提供人生下半場的規劃指導。

Elizabeth亦是全港唯一提供著名DreamBuilder Program課程的華語導師,教授成人規劃人生並活出生命意義的必然成功法則。除此之外,Elizabeth也是身心語言程式學(NLP)執行師、職場DEI共融議題的講者、2024年ADHD關注周的項目經理,並擔任全面支援 ADHD 家庭的「BrainBloom 計劃」的核心成員及家長啟導師。

Elizabeth 結合了對 ADHD 的深入了解、生涯規劃及啟導技能,悉心培育自幼患專注力失調的女兒,並成功將她培育成才。2021年,香港大學曾訪問她,並拍攝了三集專題影片分享其心路歷程。她亦曾受邀於協康會、香港小童群益會及大埔浸信會社會服務處等機構,與家長分享心得,鼓勵他們為 SEN 子女創造發展機會,並勇敢地陪伴他們走出屬於自己的人生路。

Elizabeth 熱心公益,已連續三年擔任「童建未來」兒童發展基金計劃的義務友師,並兼任「Let’s Talk ADHD」家長答問專欄的作家、專注不足/過度活躍症(香港)協會的家長義工,以及教會的資深園藝義工。

Elizabeth Ng majored in Human Resource Management and is an experienced trainer in both the corporate and social service sectors. She is the Founder of Fulfilling Life Coaching Services and a BTI-certified Life Coach and Trainer, dedicated to offering effective one-on-one coaching for parents, career coaching for middle-aged individuals, and guidance for retirees in planning the second half of their lives.

Elizabeth is the only Chinese-speaking trainer in Hong Kong certified to offer the renowned DreamBuilder Program, which teaches adults proven principles for planning a meaningful and successful life. She is also a certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, a speaker on workplace DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) issues, the Project Manager for ADHD Awareness Week 2024, and a core member and Parenting Coach for the BrainBloom Program, which provides comprehensive support to ADHD families.

Combining her expertise in ADHD, career planning, and coaching, Elizabeth has successfully nurtured her daughter, who has ADHD, to reach her full potential. In 2021, she was interviewed by The University of Hong Kong and featured in three special episodes sharing her journey. Elizabeth has also been invited to speak to SEN parents at organizations such as Heep Hong Society, the Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, and Tai Po Baptist Church Social Service, encouraging them to create opportunities for their children to thrive and to courageously accompany them on their unique life journeys.

In addition to her professional work, Elizabeth is a dedicated volunteer. She has served as a life mentor in the Child Development Fund’s children mentorship program for three consecutive years. She is also an author of the “Let’s Talk ADHD” Parent FAQ Column, a parent volunteer for Hong Kong Association for AD/HD, and a senior gardening volunteer at a church.
Webinar hosting presenter
Former Kindergarten Teacher / Mother of an 11-year-old child with ADHD
Kathy Poon是一位擁有超過二十年幼兒教學經驗的前幼稚園老師,目前是一名繪本導師。

Kathy育有一名11歲患有ADHD的兒子,她透過參與Let’s Talk ADHD平台不斷學習與ADHD相關的知識,這些年她見證著孩子不斷進步,同時覺察自己也在當中成長。


Kathy今年再次受邀成為ADHD關注週的講座主持人,並有幸擔任嘉賓,與大眾分享在照顧ADHD子女過程中的酸甜苦辣。今年關注周的主題是「家人拍住上 挑戰成力量」,Kathy將分享如何通過家人的鼓勵、接納和支持,賦予孩子面對挑戰的力量,並共同營造一個充滿愛與和諧的家庭環境,為孩子建立正確的人生價值觀打下堅實的基礎。


Kathy Poon is a former kindergarten teacher with over 20 years of experience in early childhood education and is currently a picture book instructor. She is the mother of an 11-year-old son with ADHD and has been actively learning about ADHD through her involvement with the Let’s Talk ADHD platform. Over the years, she has witnessed her son's continuous progress while also recognizing her own growth in the process.

As a picture book instructor, Kathy has taught children with special educational needs (SEN) of various ages. She firmly believes that every child possesses unique talents and abilities, though sometimes these potentials have yet to be fully discovered. She advocates that educators, instructors, and parents should use a variety of methods to help children find their own stage and guide them in developing a positive attitude toward life.

This year, Kathy has been invited again to host a talk during ADHD Awareness Week and is honored to be a guest speaker, sharing her experiences of the challenges and joys of raising a child with ADHD. The theme of this year's Awareness Week is "Empowering Families: Turning ADHD Challenges into Strengths," Kathy will speak about how encouragement, acceptance, and support from family members can empower children to face challenges and create a loving and harmonious family environment, laying a solid foundation for them to develop the right values in life.

Through this opportunity, Kathy hopes to collaborate with various sectors of society to gain a deeper understanding of the inner world of children with ADHD, ensuring they are no longer overlooked. Whether academically or emotionally, she hopes that these children will receive more attention and support to create a bright and meaningful life of their own.