對ADHDers來說,接受高等教育和在職場工作都會遇到挑戰。我們怎樣可以一起支持ADHDers、了解及發揮他們的優勢,讓他們在工作中獲得快樂和滿足感呢? 今次網上研討會,我們邀請協康會的彭詠欣女士,她會分享協康會如何支援ADHDers,讓他們在高等教育求學和職場就業方面取得成就。
Higher education institutions and workplaces are challenging for ADHDers to navigate. How may we work together to support ADHDers to know about themselves and utilize their strengths to find joy and fulfillment in their work? In this webinar, we will feature Ms. Cindy Pang from Heep Hong Society. Ms. Pang will share how Heep Hong Society supports ADHDers to navigate successfully in higher education and employment.