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公共醫療保健系統對ADHD朋友的支援 - Treatment for ADHDers in the public healthcare system

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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"陳國齡醫生是香港精神科醫學院副院長(常務),並擔任香港大學李嘉誠醫學院精神科學系榮譽臨床副教授。她曾擔任瑪麗醫院精神科部門主管(2017-2021 年),以及前兒童和青少年精神科主管。

Dr Phyllis Chan is the Vice President (General Affairs) of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists. She is Honorary Clinical Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, LKS Medical Faculty, University of Hong Kong. She was the Chief of Service (2017-2021) and former head of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy of the Department of Psychiatry, Queen Mary Hospital.
Currently she is a partime consultant psychiatrist at QMH and KCH and psychiatrist in private practice.
Dr. Chan teaches and trains psychiatric trainee doctors and post fellowship specialists, medical students, and other allied health professionals extensively.
Apart from clinical and teaching duties, she has engaged in numerous volunteering work, public education and advocacy for destigmatization."
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Attended (28)