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幫助ADHD兒童學習和生活「升呢」 ADHD children: Bridging The Service Gap For Children And Their Families In Community Setting By Transdisciplinary Support



ADHD children and family members face challenges in daily living and learning. SAHK’s SAHK Pilot Scheme on New Service Protocol for ADHD+ provides ADHD children with practical training, helping them to improve their executive function, social skills, and concentration. This time, we invite Mr. PO Shu Sun, Occupational Therapist from SAHK, to talk about how the training can lead ADHD children to gain a better self-understanding and apply the skills in their daily life.

參與權限: 每個人
會議價格: 免費
Webinar hosting presenter
Occupational Therapist I
布樹燊先生為香港耀能協會職業治療師,具有超過十年相關到校及中心感覺統合訓練、讀寫小組、專注力小組及執行功能小組訓練經驗。參與躍動同行先導計劃之前,他在香港耀能協會內耀能兒童發展服務一級職業治療師,專責EASE : ADHD學童執行功能訓練計劃、為賽馬會喜躍悅動計劃擔任機構團隊專業督導及主講香港耀能協會康復專業學院專注力不足/過度活躍症兒童的需要及支援證書課程。

布先生的著作包括「EASE–提升ADHD學童專注力教材套」、「給ADHD孩子自我導航的書」及「EASE ADHD學童執行功能訓練計劃成效研究報告」等。


SAHK Pilot Scheme on New Service Protocol for ADHD+
Mr. PO Shu Sun Occupational Therapist I

Mr. PO has more than 10 years of work experience focusing on training strategies for students with ADHD. Before the Pilot Scheme on New Service Protocol for ADHD, Mr. PO held multiple positions within SAHK, including Occupational Therapist I in SAHK Child Development Services, Trainer in ⌈Project EASE⌋ for children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Advisor for Jockey Club Kindling Active Kids Project & Key speaker for Certificate Course on Support for students with ADHD by SAHK IRP.

Mr. PO’s publications include “EASE - Training Kit for enhancing attention for Student with ADHD”, “Self-Help Guidebook for Children with ADHD” & “Research Report for ⌈Project EASE⌋ for children with ADHD, etc.
Mr. PO completed BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy and MSc in Rehabilitation for People with Developmental Disabilities at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Mr. PO is also a SI Certified Therapist (Sensory Integration & Praxis Test), Certified Computerised Handwriting Speed Test System Assessor, and Certificate holder of Therapeutic Listening.
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