ADHDers有不少正向特質,例如創新、充滿創造力、對有興趣的事情堅持到底、能了解及深入問題核心等等,這些特質正正是僱主希望員工擁有的特質,令公司業務蒸蒸日上。今次工作坊邀請到非牟利組織ADHD Europe副主席Hans van de Velde與大家分享,僱主如何透過和發揮ADHD員工的正向特質,為公司賺取更多利潤!
ADHDers have many positive characteristics, such as innovation, creativity, persistence, and the ability to understand and penetrate the core of the problem. These employer-desired characteristics for employees can help the company make more profits. In this webinar, Mr. Hans van de Velde, the Vice-President of the non-profit organization ADHD Europe, will share with you how employers can make more profits from their employees with ADHD!