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ADHDers 學靜觀 ADHDers and Mindfulness


提到靜觀,您即時的反應或許是:不會適合好動、容易分心的 ADHDers﹗然而,靜觀是心的訓練,透過靜態與動態的練習,學習如何讓這遊走不定的心稍稍穩定下來,這不正是 ADHDers 所需要的嗎?教育心理學家兼靜觀導師陳鑑忠透過多年豐富經驗,與ADHDers分享簡單的練習,或許您會發現:我也做得到﹗

You may think that mindfulness is not suitable for ADHDers who are active and easily distracted! However, mindfulness is the training of the mind. Through static exercises and dynamic exercises, you may learn how to claim down. It is for ADHDers, isn’t it? In this webinar, Stanley Chan, a registered Educational Psychologist and mindfulness teacher with years of experience will share some simple exercises with ADHDers. Perhaps you will find: I can do it, too!

參與權限: 每個人
會議價格: 免費
Webinar hosting presenter
陳鑑忠先生為本地註冊的教育心理學家及豐富經驗的靜觀導師,先後完成靜觀認知治療導師退修訓練,以及靜觀認知治療督導工作坊。陳先生現為香港中文大學敬霆靜觀研究與培訓中心研究與培訓團隊,正進行靜觀與 ADHD 兒童家庭的研究。

Stanley Chan is a registered Educational Psychologist and an experienced mindfulness teacher. He has successively completed the retreat training for mindfulness cognitive therapy tutors and the supervision workshop of mindfulness cognitive therapy. He is a Member of the Research and Training Team of the CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training. He is conducting research on mindfulness and families with ADHD children.
Webinar hosting presenter Jonathan Mok
主持人 MC
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