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如何提升執行功能以改善工作表現? How to Improve Executive Function for Better Job Performance?

About This Webinar


Jonathan Hassall 先生是一位經驗豐富的專家,專注於執行功能的改善與應用。在這場講座中,他將為我們介紹一系列實用的方法和技巧,幫助我們在日常工作中更好地規劃時間、提升專注力和解決問題。Hassall先生還會分享如何克服執行功能障礙,並提供切實可行的建議來應對工作壓力和挑戰。



In today's workplace, we constantly face the challenges of managing heavy workloads, maintaining a fast pace, and juggling multiple tasks. Executive function, which includes skills such as planning, organizing, decision-making, and self-monitoring, plays a crucial role in determining our job performance and efficiency. In this webinar, we are pleased to have Mr. Jonathan Hassall, an expert in the field, to provide insights on how to enhance executive function and improve job performance.

Mr. Hassall will share the latest research on executive function and offer practical strategies for improvement. He will explain how to enhance your planning skills, time management, task completion, and problem-solving abilities through specific techniques. Additionally, he will discuss common challenges related to executive function and how to overcome them, empowering participants to reach their full potential in the workplace.

Whether you are new to your career, a seasoned professional, or simply looking to enhance your personal performance, this webinar will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice. Join us as we explore how to leverage executive function to tackle workplace challenges and achieve greater job success.

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar as we work together to elevate our job performance!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
ADHD & Executive Function Coach / Director of Connect ADHD Coaching
Jonathan 是專注力失調及過度活躍症(ADHD)與執行功能教練,也是 Connect ADHD Coaching 的總監,在澳洲布里斯班提供國際服務。他有精神科服務的背景,曾擔任藥物行業中的 ADHD 科學顧問。Jonathan 在美國接受 ADHD 教練培訓,並為 ADHD 患者提供個人和小組計劃。他經常在澳洲和美國的 ADHD 全國會議上擔任演講嘉賓。他曾擔任 ADHD Australia 和 ADDA 的董事會成員,並於 2023 年共同撰寫了《Decoding Doing - Solving ADHD & Procrastination》一書。

他目前的服務對象是患 ADHD 的成年人和夫婦。他將相關的執行功能理論轉化為實際策略,去幫助 ADHD 患者找到並接納他們的「神經原生」狀態和支持他們適應環境並發揮潛能。

Jonathan is an ADHD & Executive Function Coach and director of Connect ADHD Coaching,
providing services internationally from Brisbane, Australia. His background includes psychiatric services and as Scientific Advisor for ADHD in the pharmaceutical industry. Jonathan trained as a an ADHD coach through the US and offers individual and group programs for people with ADHD. Jonathan is a regular speaker at national ADHD meetings in Australian and US. He has previously held roles as a board member of ADHD Australia and ADDA. He also co-authored “Decoding Doing - Solving ADHD & Procrastination” in 2023.

HIs current practice focuses on working with Adults and Couples with ADHD. His approach
includes the translation of relevant executive function theory to facilitate individuals with ADHD finding and embracing their “neuro-native” state supporting adaptation and realisation of potential.
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