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如何成為聰明的「神經多樣性」雇主 How To Be A Smart Neurodiversity Employer


為何維珍航空創辦人布蘭森、已故的宜家家居創辦人坎普拉德都是擁有ADHD症狀,同時都可以成為企業家?因為ADHDer相信直覺、具有創意,而且有冒險精神,遇到困難都會堅持不下解決問題。如果有ADHD的您想成為一位成功的企業家或僱主?不如聽聽非牟利機構ADHD Ireland行政總裁Ken Kilbride與大家分享成為能幹的僱主和企業家。

Why can Virgin Atlantic founder Richard Branson and the late IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad both become successful entrepreneurs, despite ADHD? Because ADHDers believe in intuition, creativity, adventurous spirit, and persistence. If you have ADHD and want to become a successful entrepreneur or employer, it's a chance to listen to Ken Kilbride, CEO of ADHD Ireland.

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會議價格: 免費
Webinar hosting presenter
ADHD Ireland行政總裁 CEO
Ken Kilbride先生是非牟利機構ADHD Ireland的行政總裁,曾在愛爾蘭各大、小型的非營利組織擔當高級管理職位擁有超過20年經驗。他在ADHD Ireland的角色是製定董事會的願景和戰略,引用《星空奇遇記》艦長占士·提庇留·卻克(James T Kirk)的說話:「將這個ADHD組織帶到未曾出現過ADHD組織的地方!」。

Ken Kilbride is the CEO at ADHD Ireland. He has over 20 years of experience in senior management positions in a wide range of not-for-profit organisations in Ireland. His role with ADHD Ireland is to enact the vision and strategy of the board, and in the words of Captain James T. Kirk, "Take this ADHD organisation to where no ADHD organisation has ever been before!".
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