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Answers to Pivoting Your eCommerce Business

About This Webinar

Have questions on how to change your eCommerce business to respond to the volatile marketplace? Liventus wants to help! Things are tough right now, but technology can often bring solutions. We can demystify things like how to enable buy online, pick up in-store (or curbside pickup), how to add new products or highlight existing ones based on demand, adding or enhancing a B2B platform, or how to go online for the first time. Get free advice from industry expert, Tim Dolloff!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Danielle D
EVP of Business Dvelopment
Danielle runs sales and marketing for Liventus. She is passionate about tackling new challenges and unlocking business opportunities.

Webinar hosting presenter
EVP of Client Relations
Tim oversees project development and client relationships. He is passionate about driving efficiency through technology and great UX.

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