The adoption of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in aerospace has been steadily increasing for the last several years. The most recent changes to DoD policy have accelerated adoption requiring MBSE for new programs.

Requirements flow down in test isn’t new, but a fully integrated MBSE workflow presents unique challenges to existing engineering workflow paradigms.

Greg will share details on the differences between traditional document-based process and model-based test engineering (MBTE) processes.

The discussion will address how organizations can obtain value from a model-based process and new options for delivering test solutions.

Test organizations are being forced to evolve to become more efficient amid increasingly aggressive schedules and budget constraints. We want to help make that change as seamless as possible.

Delegates will learn:
1. The basics of model-based engineering
2. The overall model-based engineering workflow and how test is connected
3. How model-based engineering differs from document-based engineering
4. See a possible model-based test engineering workflow
5. Get an introduction to the Emerson Test & Measurement solution for designing test systems based on models
Greg Sussman
Business Development Manager Aerospace, Defense, and Government
Greg Sussman works in the Aerospace, Defense, and Government business unit for Emerson Test and Measurement (Formerly NI). His responsibilities include building and leading strategic customer engagements with a focus on system level deliveries and a specialization in HIL/SIL and V/V systems. Greg started his career in aerospace in 1993, working as a test engineer for Lockheed Martin’s commercial space business, developing and maintaining vehicle and component level automated test systems. Following his tenure at Lockheed Martin he spent 25 years as a consultant, lead systems architect, and project manager providing automation and HIL solutions to aerospace and other industries.
Ben Sampson
Digital Event Executive
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