The widespread shift to green energy and vehicle electrification has increased the demand for electrical power devices at both the component and system levels. Fluctuations in power production from sources (such as solar and wind) and power consumption (electric vehicle charging cycles and heat pumps) pose major challenges for power distribution, buffering and the electric grid in general.

The COMSOL Multiphysics® software enables engineers and researchers to study, understand and improve the electrical, thermal, and structural properties of electrical power devices. This allows for accurate predictions of real-world performance while reducing development time and cost.

During this webinar, we will discuss electrical power systems and illustrate how to simulate electrical power devices — including transformers, power switches, cables, and inductors. The numerical analysis typically includes electrical, thermal, and mechanical phenomena, along with lumped circuit modeling. Extracting equivalent lumped circuit parameters is also supported in the software.

The webinar will include a live demonstration, during which we will build a model, and conclude with a Q&A.

Attendees will learn:

• How modelling electrical power systems requires a Multiphysics approach
• The advantages gained from adopting a digital simulation approach to your R&D
• How to set up and solve a model in a live demo
• How leading companies are using simulation in their R&D
Thursday, March 20, 2025 · 12:00 p.m. London (GMT +0:00)
Charlie Johnson
Senior Applications Engineer
Charlie Johnson is a Senior Applications Engineer at COMSOL UK, specialising in electromagnetics simulations. She holds an MPhys from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD from the University of Bristol, with both focused on computational and mathematical physics.
Paul Fanning
Digital Event Executive
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