We’ll be discussing the current economic climate and the significant challenges it presents for businesses, with fluctuating energy prices remaining a major concern, alongside the need to deliver carbon net zero targets.

We’ll chat about the ever-changing energy landscape, and how taking control of your consumption is more important than ever. With reference to Inenco’s Energy Reduction Partnership, fuelled by the power of data and collaborative action. By working together to gather the right information, identify pragmatic solutions, and implement seamless operational changes, we can achieve substantial cost savings and take a significant stride towards a more sustainable future.
Jordan Rassas
Head of New Business
Jordan Rassas has over 10 years’ experience of helping leading organisations to define the most effective energy procurement strategy and how best to mitigate the impact of rising energy costs. He has held several senior roles with leading consultancies and is now leading Inenco’s new client acquisition. As well as coaching clients in how to think holistically around energy procurement, he is equally passionate about helping them to optimise consumption and chart a path to carbon net zero.
Paul Fanning
Alex Wilson
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