This CPD webinar has been organised by the Centre of Excellence in Safety for Older People (CESOP) and the Centre for Remediation, Support and Training (CRST).
The burden of this pandemic is not being shouldered equally. Some groups are at much greater risk than others and those who have been at the sharp end of widening inequalities over the last decade, are being hit the hardest.
PHE’s findings add to the growing body of evidence showing that older people, those living in more deprived areas, people from black and minority ethnic groups, and those working in certain occupations are at a significantly higher risk of dying from COVID-19. While the reasons for this are complex, there is already enough evidence to justify urgent action to protect these communities from this pandemic to avoid further unnecessary loss of life.
Beyond the immediate response to COVID-19, action is needed to ensure that existing health inequalities do not become further entrenched in the aftermath of the pandemic. This report does not address many of the underlying factors causing inequalities in health across different population groups. A further review announced today must consider these wider factors, such as educational and economic disadvantage and racial discrimination.
The role of government to support the most vulnerable in society has been clearly shown up in this pandemic. To ensure that those who already face most disadvantage do not continue paying the highest price, the government needs to seize this moment to implement a national health inequalities strategy.
Dr Dixon will take us through these issues and discuss systemic changes and improvements that urgently need to be made.
** All attendees will receive a CPD certificate following the webinar**
Prof Robert Campbell
Emeritus Professor of Philosophy
Professor Campbell worked for many years in higher education, specializing latterly in research management and governance and quality assurance and enhancement. He retired in 2015 after five years as Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) of the University of Bolton and is currently Emeritus Professor of Philosophy.
As well as chairing the Education and Research Committees of CESOP, he is also Director of Quality Assurance at Finito Education, chair of the Board of Futureworks School of Media, Board member of the United Kingdom College of Business and Computing and chair of the NHS Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards (North West). He is currently serving as a member of the Pearson Commission on Sustainable Learning for Life, Work and the Economy whose initial report will be launched this month.
Professor Campbell trained as a philosopher and he has published books and articles on business ethics, jurisprudence, legal and social philosophy, medical ethics and health policy.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, the Royal Society of Medicine and Fellow and trustee of the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing.
Prof Iqbal Singh
Consultant Physician & Chair, Centre of Excellence in Safety for Older People
Professor Singh is a consultant physician and Chair of the Centre of Excellence in Safety for Older People (CESOP) and has led on training and education of the workforce within the health and social care sector on issues around improving skills and knowledge and equally focusing on embedding a culture of compassion, dignity and respect.
He has been a leading contributor to healthcare and medical regulation and as commissioner Health Care Commission and Chair of the Expert Reference Group on Patient Safety with national and international experts, he led the development of criteria indicators for assessment of safety in healthcare. He is also chair of the GMC BME Doctors’ Forum and chaired the GMC’s Equality and Diversity Committee from 2008 – 2012 and founded Diversity Partners. He is a member of the National Platinum Awards Committee and medical vice chair of the Advisory Committee for Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA) North West and led the way for stakeholder engagement.
He is Founder Chair of the Centre for Remediation, Support and Training (CRST), focusing on induction, support mentorship and remediation - helping international graduates successfully integrate into NHS and communities, developing resilience and addressing their mental and physical health and wellbeing.
He is a member of the Health Honours Committee which advises on nominations for honours in the New Year and Birthday Honours lists and member of the Diversity Inclusion Committee providing oversight on embedding diversity in the Honours system.
Dr Jennifer Dixon
Chief Executive, The Health Foundation
Dr Jennifer Dixon joined the Health Foundation as Chief Executive in October 2013. Jennifer was Chief Executive of the Nuffield Trust from 2008 to 2013. Prior to this, she was Director of Policy at The King’s Fund and was the policy advisor to the Chief Executive of the National Health Service between 1998 and 2000. Jennifer has undertaken research and written widely on health care reform both in the UK and internationally.
Originally trained in medicine, Jennifer practised mainly paediatric medicine, prior to a career in policy analysis. She has a Master’s in public health and a PhD in health services research from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In 1990-91, Jennifer was a Harkness Fellow in New York.
Jennifer has served as a Board member on several national regulatory bodies: the Health Care Commission 2004-2009; the Audit Commission 2003-2012; and the Care Quality Commission 2013 -2016, where she still serves as an expert advisor. She recently served as a member of the Parliamentary Review Panel for the Welsh Assembly Government on the future of the NHS and social care.