The third conversation session with masters of AWR will include Professor Lars Jorgensen and Dr Nadia Henriksen from Denmark. The session will begin with an update from Lars and Nadia as they give a brief outline of how hernia services are set up in Denmark as well as an update on upcoming developments in hernia guidelines and the what's new from the Danish database.
Lars and Nadia will then be joined by conference co-Chairs, Mr Alastair Windsor and Mr David Ross, in conversation to further explore issues around hernia guidelines including how to persuade clinicians to follow guidelines and how to monitor uptake of these recommendations. The chairs will then delve deeper into questions around data and the Danish database.
Dr Nadia Henriksen
Surgical Resident at Zealand University Hospital, Denmark.
Nadia has a special interest in hernia repairs and abdominal wall reconstruction. Nadia is a member of Danish Hernia Database steering committee and has published more than 30 original papers in peer-reviewed journals. Nadia has participated in the creation of guidelines for the European Hernia Society.
Professor Lars Nannestad Jørgensen
Professor Digestive Disease Center, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lars N. Jorgensen graduated from University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Specialist in Surgery in 1995. Doctorial thesis on wound healing studies in humans defended in 2003. 2008 full professor at University of Copenhagen and Bispebjerg Hospital. 2017 FACS. Chairs a referral centre for patients with complex hernias. Research fields include tissue healing in surgery, abdominal wall hernia and prevention of postoperative complications. Published > 220 peer papers, 15 book chapters and > 300 conference abstracts.
Vice Chairman of the Danish Hernia Database. Co-organizer of the Annual Conferences of the European Tissue Repair Society in 1998 & 2015 and Hernia2021 in Copenhagen.