Professor Marja Boermeester
Professor of surgery and a clinical epidemiologist at the Amsterdam University Medical Centres, land principal investigator of many multicentre trials on diagnostics and treatment of abdominal infections.
Marja has received many grants (e.g. > 10 National Health Care & Efficacy Research Grants) and trials were published in international high-ranked publications (NEJM, JAMA, Radiology, BMJ, Lancet). Her core business in GI / HPB surgery is surgery of abdominal infections, complex abdominal wall repair (CAWR), and intestinal failure surgery. She runs a successful Intestinal Failure Team in the AMC Amsterdam, with referrals from all over the country and an international expert centre on intestinal failure surgery. The Intestinal Failure Unit of the AMC Amsterdam recently achieved full ERN (European Reference Network) membership, and is a centre of expertise and training centre in CAWR. She has 15 PhD fellows under her supervision. She is member of the WHO SSI Prevention Guidelines Committee, the Amsterdam Research Board, Principal Investigator at the AMC, member of several national and international guideline committees (Antibiotics in Sepsis, Acute Diverticulitis, Chronic Pancreatitis, Peri-operative Patient Safety, Diagnostics of Acute Abdominal Pain, Emergency Surgery, Incisional hernia surgery). Also, 2017-2019 President of the Surgical Infection Society Europe (SIS-E).