Breastmilk contains a diverse number of bioactive compounds that nature has designed to specifically support the developing infant. Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) account for the third largest fraction of breastmilk 1. They are a complex mixture of indigestible carbohydrates with multiple functions 2. Increasing evidence shows the exceptional role HMOs play in supporting the developing gut and microbiome, immunity and in defence against harmful pathogens 3. This short talk by Hayley Kuter, Medical Science Liaison for Abbott Nutrition outlines HMO functions in breastmilk.

1. Ayechu-Muruzabal V et al (2018). Diversity of human milk oligosaccharides and effects on early life immune development. Front Pediatr; 6:239 doi: 10.3389/fped.2018.00239.
2. Lis-Kuberka J, Orczyk-Pawiłowicz M (2019). Sialylated oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates of human milk - the impact on infant and newborn protection, development and well-being. Nutrients; 11:306-8.
3. Donovan SM, Comstock SS (2016). Human milk oligosaccharides influence neonatal mucosal and systemic immunity. Ann Nutr Metab; 69(2):42-51.

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    Hayley Kuter
    Medical Science Liaison, Abbott Nutrition
    Hayley Kuter is a registered dietitian and joined Abbott Nutrition in September 2018 as the Medical Nutrition Manager for Infant and Paediatrics. She has since moved to a role as Medical Science Liaison (MSL) for the Abbott infant and paediatric team. She has spent 16 years working in the NHS as a Paediatric Dietitian and has come straight from the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital where she managed the home enteral feeding service for 6 years. She has also worked at Kings College Hospital in London, smaller community clinics and district hospitals throughout the UK and Australia. In addition, she ran allergy and gastro clinics in private practice. Hayley has a keen interest in research and completed an NIHR-sponsored Masters in Clinical Research in 2016 (with Distinction). She has published several papers in peer-reviewed journals including an article on anthropometry in the Archives of Disease in Childhood which was Editors choice for August 2018. Hayley has taught on the Masters Module for Paediatric Dietitians and presented at several conferences, including ESPGHAN. She recently published a chapter in the book Nutrition and Neurodisability.