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Livestock workshop- Eradication of Disease

About This Webinar

A discussion on the eradication of a variety infectious disease from farms. The workshop will cover the importance of vaccination, screening and biosecurity measures. The speaker will cover voluntary and mandatory policies across the UK.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Lecturer in Farm Animal Health and Production.
Neil Paton teaches across the farm animal curriculum at the Royal Veterinary College. Based in South Wales he was involved in herd health teaching on farms in Wales. Doing this it became apparent that infectious diseases were causing a burden to farmers that could be avoided. Working with colleagues at Coleg Sir Gar he set up the Welsh BVD eradication programme (Gwaredu BVD). This is encouraged the government to work consult on legislation that may come into force in 2024. Following this a programme to deal with sheep scab – Gwaredu Scab was set up and is ongoing.
Webinar hosting presenter Kelly Nickalls
Editor, UK Vet Livestock and UK Veterinary Nurse
Associate Publisher, Veterinary Titles
Hosted By
MA Healthcare Virtual webinar platform hosts Livestock workshop- Eradication of Disease
MA Healthcare is an established provider of nursing and medical education, offering printed resources, conferences and websites for professionals at all levels of the health services