Surgical Site Infection Post C-Section can be physically and psychologically challenging for new mothers- This session focuses on the principles and prevention of surgical site infection, including a recent update supporting the NICE Medical Technologies Guidance for use within the NHS in England published in Feb 2021 on Leukomed Sorbact. A personal patient experience will be presented which inspired the development of a post-caesarean wound care pathway resulting in positive patient outcomes.
Tissue Viability and Lower Limb Clinical Lead Nurse, Wye Valley NHS Trust
Lucy is the lead TVN for Wye Valley NHS Trust which is a combined Acute and Community Trust in Herefordshire. Lucy is passionate about improving patient outcomes by raising standards and ensuring up to date evidenced based care is implemented. Her...
As a registered nurse for over 20 years Jane has spent much of her career within the NHS. Latterly she worked as a tissue viability nurse within Leeds Community and currently as an Honorary Tissue Viability Nurse role at the Christie Hospital,...
Ruby Hill is a medical student at the University of Birmingham, having recently completed a degree in Clinical Sciences with a specialist stream in Reproduction and Women's Health. She holds a keen interest in obstetrics and gynaecology, and will...
MA Healthcare is an established provider of nursing and medical education, offering printed resources, conferences and websites for professionals at all levels of the health services