• About
    Wound Infection – what is new – the IWII updated guidance and continuum

    The growing risk of antimicrobial resistance – the new pandemic – has identified the importance of accurate wound assessment and the ability to prevent or manage wound infections in a timely and effective manner. This session will present and explore the updated International Wound Infection Institute’s (IWII) 2022 consensus document. All chapters have been updated supported by the inclusion of clear definitions developed through an international Delphi process.  The Wound Infection Continuum has been updated with the addition of a Wound Infection Continuum complete with a management guide allowing the user to plan a holistic approach to managing wound infection.  Antimicrobial stewardship is discussed throughout the document with updated research and evidence presented exploring topical antimicrobial therapy.

    Optimising patients ability to heal: A panel debate

    Panel debate discussing how to optimise a patients ability to heal, the session will be broken up into three parts discussing:
    The importance of going back to basics to obtain a baseline using activities of daily living to identify potential risk factors for developing complications including wound infection, delayed healing
    Why Wound bed preparation is essential to prevent increased risk of bacteria bioburden and biofilm formation
    Importance of identifying risk of infection early supporting antimicrobial stewardship
  • Duration
    1 hour
  • Price
  • Language
  • Dial-in available
    (listen only)
    Not available.